Sunday, June 24, 2007

Usability: Scenario Based Design

Stories are useful, diverse, and pervasive

I talked about Storytelling in my previous article. Using narrative in design and development that is more systematic and auditable than “just making up stories” is a challenge for the Engineering Techniques and Processes.

An approach that is systematized but still preserves the strength of storytelling is discussed in this article by PennState HCI:

Good Article on Story-Based QA

"Tell me a story" - and I will listen.

Storytelling is one of the most effective means of communication. A good narrative of an incidence or a scenario can most efficiently replicate the same, preserving the truth and sharing the experience.

No wonder, storytelling as an Organizational Communication Tool is being discussed and talked about lately in great detail. I recently read a good article on Story-Based Quality Assurance.

I leave the story-telling part for the article here: